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Kisköre the library and library development began in January 1960. Initially he worked as a people's library, and later the village, between 1986-92 ÁMK and large municipal public library. The small circles of the city library is a public institution in the register of national libraries, public libraries and school libraries with functions.

The library is the first time the cultural center, then the unused dining room was the home day care.

The 1986th completed in June 3rd Road of Peace no. during the transformation of a library building, where a worthy place on July 1 could start operation of the institution

The ownership of municipal buildings after the settlement of the 2000th In January the library's new location, the building was moved to the mayor's office, where he still works.

The library carries out tasks from 1985 full-time librarian, before teachers are not equipped with a full-time librarian, but as a teacher's job in addition.


Városi Könyvtár Kisköre
3384 Kisköre, Kossuth út 9.

Phone: +36 36/558-000
Fax: +36 36/558-001

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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